Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Revised Davis-Besse Family

Hi DB family, I love family and friends and wanted more photos of the people I work with, but was limited to using the same camera I left with 6 year ago. The camera was good, but because I was being paid, I limited my shots to just one. I took some great pics of those I love and there all here. All will be posted at snap fish, will print some and give them to Luke. Please note you are all looking healthy, but I need really want a pics of your family. So call, it's free, all you need to do is ask. Universal answer is yes, just ask because you never get any better looking than what you look like today, and yes, your fears could be true and end up looking like me. Love ya Pete

There all on snap fish via this link: Click this to go more 17M pics of my DB family.

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