Friday, April 17, 2015

Davis College Medical Pinning Event

Medical Pinning is a transition form school to career. Here one takes an oath to his or her peers that he or she will practice such craft with integrity and honor. Integrity is what you do when no one is watching, it's like a building foundation because the deeper that foundation goes, the higher that building will be. The stronger one's integrity has, the greater that life will be.  Always speak truth, do what is right, be honest with others, but mostly with self. Enough of lecturing others here are the teasers.

Sorry so late, work, sleep and distraction all get in the way. I just like to see you smile while I press that shutter. Good luck, love life, love family and love those friends, it's all a good thing.
Love ya too.

Click this link to see most of pics taken at the DC Allied Medical Pinning event. You may need to register and sign in with Walgreens to see these. please print some, time goes so does electronic media, but that hard copy will last two or three generation, something e-stuff fails at. Call me, see my rates, I'm here for the love.

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