Saturday, April 21, 2012

2012 FFA Banquet at Monclova, Ohio

This is my second time at a Future Farmers of America (FFA) banquet. The food was great because a) it tasted good, b) they had lasagna, c) the mash potatoes had globs of anti vampire garlic in them or d) it was free food? Correct answer d, but a, b and c are just as good. The parents of the FFA children are very proud and they should be. It's hard enough to grow up today, but to grow so beautiful, educated and with the best of life skills is fantastic. We need to thank the students themselves for doing the hard work, but most of all their fearless leaders, Mr. Ryan and Mrs. Short. Here are some teasers, all are being up loaded to snap fish.

Many of the FAA members are seniors and next year they will be at college or actually working. I know that FFA has added skills that no class room can provide. We want you to succeed, to become something greater than your parents. It goes way to fast so love each day and give Mom and Dad a big hug and thank you. Each day flips away like some old kinetoscope; look at those pics I took last year and compare; event worse just look at me. What changed? Are you the same? What happen? Love each day by making best of each one. Attempt to live that day at the maximum, smell those flowers, take in the colors, and taste that kiss. Become a meaningful specific with purpose and dedication to a task greater than yourself. It's not too hard, just write it down, e.g., called written goals and plans, surely you have this skill set. Whatever you do never ever give up or become a wandering generality. You all have been given an extra set of skill, use them today with dedicated purpose to change us all for the good. We all love ya, SgtPete

Here are the links

Click this link to see all 2012 FFA Banquet Pics at snap fish.
Click to see these other FFA Events.
FFA Dinner at Anthony Wayne High School, January 20, 2012 

FFA Banquet at Monclova, April 16, 2011

FFA Dinner at Anthony Wayne High School, January 28, 2011

You may see yourself too at the Monclova Parade, check index above.

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